Which pine species is the most widely cultivated in the world?
Which pine species has the widest natural geographic distribution in the
Which pine species has the widest geographic distribution in North
Which pine species has the smallest geographic distribution in the world?
What are the major differences between subgenus haploxylon and subgenus
What are some exceptions to these morphologic characteristics of these two
pine subgenera?
Which pine species reaches the highest altitude?
Which pine species naturally grows at the greatest range of elevation?
Which pine species has the nothern most geographic distribution and which
has the southern-most geographic distribution?
Which country has the most naturally occurring species of pines?
Which state in the United States has the most naturally occurring species
of pines?
Which states in the United States have no naturally occurring pines?
Which pines have shoots that are be multinodal and therefor capable of
forming multiple successive new growth "candles" in one (favorable) growing
Which is the largest species of pine?
Which pine species has the longest cones?
Which pine species has the longest needles?
Which pine species has the largest seeds?
Which pine species has the smallest number of needles per fascicle?
Which pine species has the largest number of needles per fascicle?