"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs."
-- Henry Ford

Angelina Unit Experimental Nursery
Ombrarium A (Keltys Soil)

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Initial planting - December 1998

"Lay off, MacDuff
And damned be him that first cries - Hold, enough."

-- William Shakespeare, Macbeth

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Night Shift - Initial planting December 1998

"The night has a thousand eyes.
And the day but one;
Yet the light of the world dies
With the dying sun."

-- F.W. Bourdillon, Light

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Kelty's Experimental Area (A), recently mulched - April 1999

Keltys Ombrarium (Experimental Area A), sunshades - August 1999

"God is at the anvil, beating out the sun...."
-- Lew Sarett, God is at the Anvil

INITIAL PLANTING : planted in pairs of species 12/28/1998; row #1 on north side; entries run from east to west; zone#

ROW 1.
ROW 2.
ROW 3.
ROW 4.
ROW 5.
ROW 6.
ROW 7.
ROW 8.
ROW 9.
ROW 10.
ROW 11.
ROW 12.
ROW 13.
ROW 14.

Ombrarium B (Keithville Soil)

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Keithville Experimental Area (B), recently mulched -April 1999.

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Keithville Ombrarium (Experimenal Area B) with sunscreens - June 1999.

Keithville Ombrarium (Experimenal Area B) with sunscreens - August 1999.

"Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines."
-- William Shakespeare, Sonnet 18 ("Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's day?")

INITIAL PLANTING: planted in pairs of species 12/29/1998; row #1 on east side; entries run from north to south; zone#

ROW 1.
ROW 2.
ROW 3.
ROW 4.
ROW 5.
ROW 6.
ROW 7.
ROW 8.
ROW 9.
ROW 10.

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Bailey's Double Grind Mulch Delivery

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Bailey's Double Grind Mulch Delivered!

Please email the Pinetum for the latest Angelina database.

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